Monday 7 July 2014

Stomach ulcers Part 2

Morning so far. Went to get the blood tests and walked into the clinic. Never seen so many people in one room. There was a line all the way down the hallway and around the corner (didn't go any further so I have no idea how much longer) and the waiting room was jam packed. All the chairs were full, people were sitting on the floor and even standing?

Hell no. Was not waiting there any longer. Walked out and went to timmies with my best friend (who was nice enough to come with me at the godly hour). Yes I paid as a thank you.

Tim Hortons I decided to test my lactose theory once again. I ordered a bagel with butter and cream cheese along with a medium ice cap made with milk. Usually this would make me look like I'm nine months pregnant, but instead I took the pills and still look pretty thin in comparison. 

^^ right after eating/drinking what I said above with the lactose pills. 

--after leaving there we headed to a different clinic and asked to see a doctor ASAP. They told me to come back in 45 minutes so had just enough time to go home (very little speeding 😋) and feed chirp-chirp.

^^chirp-chirp- wild life rescue robin. (Or angry bird)

--I made my way back to the doctors and sat in the waiting room for 7 minutes before being called in. (Quebec health care is never this fast but I won't complain).

I talked to the doctor about my stomach burning all the time (since taking the pain killers last month). Also said I was nauseous and throwing up every morning (all yellow acid) and she did a small examination and asked me why I thought it was stomach ulcers. I told her I had them not even a year ago and she looked into my medical file and saw in august I had them. She gave me a prescription (same one I had last time) for a month instead of 3.

The reason being is I went sooner this time then I did the last time so it is easier to treat. I have to take the pills for a month, then if it's not better go back and see my family doctor and if it is then I should get a coating for my pain meds to not cause these ulcers.

Apparently once you get ulcers your body becomes prone to them and things can trigger them- caffeine/stress/pain meds/alcohol. 

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